* mileage may vary. welcome corrections
Ian Capstick
- started in the old days of the Internet
- from Ottawa: love of Canada and our democracy, politics, political pundit - former parliamentary asst - art eggleton, brian tobin, sheila copps
- joined NDP and now consulting. also known for cupcakes- federally: public servants, governance structures (elected), citizens
- uptake on web 2.0: generational issue in public service (want to turn off editing in wiki function story), statistics canada problem because sitting on vast data that we shouldn't have to pay for, no MPs using social media for no other reason to control and manipulate. citizens frustrated with ability to access govt, citizens becoming more empowered but only to certain degree still, single biggest problem in governance area. Ottawa has never been more controlling and secretive as it is now.
Tanya Twystra
- people in prov govt were very quiet about participation and gov 2.0, but that conversation is now more open.
- corporate communics now has social media team. significant development
- good crises helped: forest fires and h1n1n. regulatory environment changed to allow for more social media
- a bit of a culture of experimentation
- social media "policy" not yet announced
- long term content strategy very important to govt blogging
- making employees comfortable
- govt blogging more complicated than most types : public money, public voice
- govt needs examples
- apps for climate change contest
- personal lessons learned:
- have to understand more than social media to do govt social media
- redesigning process as well as tools
- moderation resources
- more than just shiny tools and instant solutions
- moving twds open data and mobile
Raul Pacheco
- biggest question of public policy: who gets what, when, and how
- think about info, about behaviour, and about relationships
- use of social media to enable public participation : eg translink twitter (skytrain lady twitter account)
- may twitters to Stephen Harper very angry tweets
- integration of social media in this sphere, not domination or replacement
- open data
- benefits to politicians in getting citizen feedback; politicians more accessible than ever
Andrea Reimer
- one of portfolios: citizen engagement
- people run because of unmet needs
- * in past 18 months, homeless down in Vancouver 50%
- how do we bring large change projects on faster.
- all people have the capacity to reason
- municipal gov2.0 need: to have GIS specialist
- how do you create a city that thinks like the web
- openess and participation created a better internet, they can create a big city
- open data : really hard to implement (b/c of thatcherism / reaganism, privacy rules)
- data.vancouver.ca
- lots of cool apps
- open data, open standards
- big fan of participatory budgeting, elected neighbourhood councils
- open government advocates have to be evangelists
- free internet for all
- open data more popularized. A: more visual, more engaging
- stats canada mandated to generate revenue
- easier access to political donors. US more robust crossreferencing
- more reasoned public debate on data : Reimer (good point)
- democracy under siege like ever before. no wonder than they are not using social media. even opposition parties - why dont they embrace social media more fully. route to power. A: capstick: scared shitless. need to move past gotcha politics. being partisan ok, being mean and partisan generally not ok.